She's 40 and Fabulous (plus a grapefruit juice recipe)

Juice and Smoothies

She’s 40 and Fabulous

As an integrative dietitian and empowerment coach with 20+ years of experience, my main goal is to help women age well, feel confident in their bodies, and create the healthy lifestyle they desire and deserve.
danielle omar

Happy Birthday Regan! #RMJis40

No, not me, silly. Today the food blogging world is honoring a good friend, amazing and supportive colleague, and just all-around cool gal on her birthday: Regan Miller Jones.

Regan is a mom, a wife, a great friend and a serial entrepreneur. She is the communications head honcho over at Cabot Cheese and the inspiration behind many a cool project, including The Recipe Redux, Healthy Aperture, Blog Brûlée and RDs for Disclosure.

Knowing Regan has made me a better food photographer, a more enthusiastic blogger, and a wiser business owner. She also makes what are sometimes painful nutrition conferences seem more like fun girlfriend getaways.

Why all the hoopla? Well, she’s turning the big 4-0 today. That’s right, she’s entering what is clearly the coolest decade, in my opinion. As a virtual birthday shout out, myself and a group of her best blogger friends are writing posts today to wish her the best on her big day, to tell her we love and appreciate her, and in case she needs it, to get her pumped up about turning 40.

So Regan, I want you to get excited, my friend, because the best is yet to come! The forties are the decade you discover the most important truths about yourself and life. Look forward to no longer taking things personally, letting yourself be who you are (and pretty much loving it), and realizing that what other people think of you is really none of your business. Oh, and the biggest gift of all? Knowing that in most every aspect of life, you get back exactly what you put in. Pretty amazing stuff, right?

Now you know a virtual food blogger celebration such as this cannot go by without a recipe. And a BIG birthday celebration is nothing without a toast to the birthday girl. But let’s face it, a January 5th birthday might be about as bad as a February 5th birthday. I mean really…who wants to drink one more cocktail or taste one more sweet treat?

January Juice -- citrus, celery, carrots, parsnip and mint

Instead, I am going the healthy route. I’m thinking she (and you) will appreciate it. What better way to ring in your 40’s than with some delicious birthday juice? I’m raising my juice glass today to Regan Miller Jones!

what should I juice? Oranges, grapefruit, carrots, parsnip, celery and mint!

 Happy Birthday, Regan — and here’s to 40 more!

juicing is a great way to start the year! Detox friendly and delicious!

This delicious grapefruit juice pays homage to my cooking style — simple. I whipped it up with what I had on hand and it was nothing short of delicious. I used my juicer, but you can probably make this in your high speed blender just as easily.

January Juice -- citrus, celery, carrots, parsnip and mint

Root Citrus Juice


  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • 1/2 orange
  • 1/2 lemon
  • handful mint
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery
  • 2 parsnips


  • Wash and trim produce. Peel citrus. Juice.

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