Not restricting, not giving up, not building shame around — but transforming.
If your results are anything like the thousands of past participants’, this 21-day clean eating reset will be a total life changer for you, because you’ll finally be able to create your OWN eating style, and stick to it.
✔️ Have tried every fad diet and still don’t see the results you want
✔️ Wonder if sensitivities to the foods you’re eating are preventing you from losing weight
✔️ Struggle with nagging cravings that sabotage your efforts to eat healthy
✔️ Still wish you could feel more energy throughout the day
"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this program and how different it is from everything else I've ever done.
After so many years of trying to lose baby weight, THIS program helped me realize that I'm eating tons of empty calories between and after meals when I'm standing at the kitchen counter or cleaning up the kitchen. I'm using food as a break from everything I'm juggling in life. I have made myself a rule that I have to sit down before I eat anything, and it's making an amazing difference in my life! Not only am I eating less, I'm also tasting and enjoying my food much more. I have Danielle to thank SO much for everything! This will definitely NOT be the last of her programs I take!”
When it comes to losing weight, I teach you how to eat MORE food, not less. I teach you how to create your meals around the “Nourish plate.” I help you get off the diet roller coaster and figure out which foods keep you full and satisfied so you’re not always craving more.
I know change is scary, and it does take effort, but a creating healthy body is one of the most important things you can do for yourself — and Nourish 21 is the first step.
Before diving into Week 1, we’ll begin with a live broadcast in our private Facebook group where I’ll walk you through Preparation Week, and answer any questions you have about this clean eating reset before it starts. You’ll get the scoop on program guidelines, what to buy before it begins, and how to get yourself (and your kitchen!) ready for clean eating.
Learn what to get rid of and what to stock up on as you replace your diet with a new, clean way of eating. We’ll cover how to select and store clean produce (and make it last!), how to be a clean label reader, and all the benefits of living a clean lifestyle.
In an effort to optimize your digestion, we’ll focus on fermented foods, supportive supplements, and what those pesky food cravings are really all about.
Create a personal self-care practice and learn how to make clean household cleaning products in week 3, along with lessons about which ingredients are important to avoid in your skincare and makeup.
Determine if you have any food allergies or sensitivities, learn how to maintain your weight loss, and get support as you ease into living the Nourish lifestyle after this clean eating reset is over.
How You'll Feel After 21 Days
in your ability to nourish yourself without guilt or deprivation
to meal plan, shop for, and prepare delicious, nourishing food for your family
by knowing which foods to eat to sustain a clean-eating lifestyle
to say goodbye to sugar cravings and feel confident about your food choices
An all-encompassing what-to-do guide containing all the ins and outs of the program and an easy-to-follow protocol that will help you nourish your body inside and out.
If you want an extra layer of support for your overall wellness, supplements are a great option - and you’ve got access to me to give you recommendations on the exact supplements you should be taking!
You’ll get inspirational emails every day and replays of live broadcasts to help motivate you to stay on track. You can also ask for support inside my client-only Facebook group.
Anything you need to support you on this clean eating reset journey, you can probably find in this library - from toxin-free makeup recs to DIY cleaners to links to which produce boxes to buy.
Learn how to meal plan effectively, maximize your produce, detox your pantry, and create delicious, simple recipes (with how-to videos!).
From eating on the go, to detoxification, to gut health, to emotional eating, you’re covered with tips and strategies for learning how to eat well.
Included in Nourish 21 are four seasons of cookbooks: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Buy once and have all four seasons ready to go, making your healthy reset seamless and simple.
Four seasons worth of recipes packed with delicious, in-season foods, including a no-hassle grocery list that’s easy to follow & fun to shop for!
In addition to daily logs to track your progress, this detailed workbook includes a before and after symptoms quiz to analyze your results.
"By the end of the month, I had lost 5 pounds and 5 inches around my waist and hips."
I’ve continued to avoid gluten, and have drastically cut down my consumption of dairy, sugar, and alcohol (goodbye beer!) and I’m actually now down 10 pounds since January and have now lost 7 inches total. Bottom line? I feel AMAZING now, and so empowered to know what my triggers are. I used to have to have a dessert item every day — sometimes twice a day. I’ve always had a massive sweet tooth and craved it all like crazy all the time. Now? I have a Larabar every day and I’m totally fine. No need for anything else. But now, when I do want something? I have no problem giving into it just a little bit, and I know when to stop. Not at all like I was before. Bottom line, I’m super grateful for your program and have recommended it to several friends who are experiencing sensitivities. Thank you so much for all your work in developing it — you have a raving fan here!”
Throughout this 21-day clean eating reset, you’ll lose weight naturally and easily, as you improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin, reduce cortisol levels, reset your hunger hormones, and adjust your taste buds so real foods taste delicious.
ou’re about to feel better than
you EVER have before.
i'm in →
“Nourish 21 provided me with a roadmap to feeling better.”
"I loved the wealth of resources and all the easy recipes. I noticed a huge difference in my body after the program. The pain in my joints disappeared and my digestion improved so much! My favorite part of the program was consulting with Danielle and attending her live weekly video chats filled with informative information, encouragement, laughs, and helpful tips in the kitchen."
“I feel better in general, have a much more sound sleep, am energetic from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. I look healthier, too!”
"I found freedom from habitually destructive eating habits and gained confidence in my ability to limit indulgent food choices to rare occasions, if at all."
I highly recommend Danielle’ s 21 Day Nourish program. Danielle’ s guidance and support are hands-on and I found her to be very accessible. I thoroughly enjoyed the recipes and rather than jumping right back to my old food favorites, I’ve found that I would rather continue eating this way as my norm.
“Before, I felt fat, bloated, sluggish, and confused. Now, all those feelings dissipated as I learned what constituted healthy eating and a healthy life.”
“I was immediately captured by Danielle's sincerity and knowledge about healthy eating, and I was hooked by her evolving knowledge, distilling it for all of us to understand, and providing a framework within which to practice. Thanks to her, I learned how to extract myself from the diet and "good" food versus "bad" food mentality.”
The Nourish 21 clean eating reset program is customized to meet you where you are TODAY, with expert guidance from a Registered Dietitian (hi, that’s me!), 21-day meal plans for all four seasons, and everything you need to support your specific goals.
You’ll be led step-by-step through a simple clean eating reset that is SO much more than simply “giving up” your favorite foods.
You shouldn’t have to settle when it comes to creating the healthy lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
save your spot →
"I very much doubted my ability to stick with the program for the full 21 days. Not only did I complete it, but it far exceeded my expectations."
"I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from Danielle’s Nourish program. I was hoping I’d gain a little energy and learn a few new recipes along the way, but I will admit, I was skeptical. I thought we’d have to eat weird or gross things and it would not be practical for a typical family. I learned so much through her program – from what to look for on labels and what to watch out for, how to prepare new/different foods, how to easily swap-out unhealthy options for better choices and why these things are so important to good health. This has been a life changing experience for me and I am forever grateful for Danielle’s help.”
Integrative Dietitian + Lifestyle Medicine Expert
I’ve spent 20+ years helping women just like you transform their health, so that they can finally feel like themselves again or like the version of themselves they’ve always wanted to be.
From busy moms and executives to business owners, teachers, and accountants. I’ve worked with every type of woman under the sun and they all have ONE thing in common:
Something is missing in how they feel about their health, their body, or their habits.
They’ve struggled with what to eat their whole life or they’ve deprived themselves of the foods they love.
I'm here to help.
I don’t encourage a diet mentality or harsh unnecessary rules around food.
Instead, I ask you to take an honest look at what you’ve been eating and determine how it’s been affecting your mood, your sleep, your weight, your health, and more.
"I don’t know of a better ‘reset button’ for cleaning up your diet and taking better care of yourself than Nourish."
It is so well thought out, is based on real research about what it means to eat healthfully and feel better as a result, and Danielle offers support during every step of the way. I also love how it pushed me to explore new ingredients, recipes, and cooking techniques that I had never tried before. Two thumbs up.”
done-for-you program is way better than figuring it out on your own.
A busy life can get in the way of a healthy lifestyle. While we might be motivated when we begin, it’s easy to fall back into old habits. With a seasonal, done-for-you program, there's literally nothing for you to do but get started! Everything you need for a healthy seasonal reset is right at your fingertips— no guessing what to do or how you'll do it. Success becomes predictable. You'll know exactly what to expect after each reset and it will get easier and easier to keep up with the positive changes.
A done-for-you program is much less expensive than working with me for private nutrition counseling — you get the best of both worlds at a much cheaper cost to you and you get the benefit of a proven program that has the potential to supercharge your health.
The ability to do Nourish 21 as a seasonal reset will keep you motivated to stay on track with your health goals. You'll also be better able to understand how the food you're eating is making you feel by tracking your results after each session.
"This was a fabulous program. It’s not too stringent and I love that Danielle gives you a full week to prep (come off sugar, caffeine and any other allergens you wish). I like that you can repeat the program and ‘take it to the next level.’ I loved the recipes and the support.”
"I’d HIGHLY recommend this to anyone who eats well, exercises and yet still battles the scale (or the zipper in their favorite pair of jeans)."
Suffer from digestive issues like reflux, gas, and bloat, and you want to learn how to cure AND prevent them
Prefer to learn and make health changes on your own without the support of a structured plan
Know you need to eat less sugar but also know giving it up entirely doesn’t work for you
Hate cooking or preparing your own food and prefer to eat out all the time
Want to lose 5-8 pounds without dieting, starving yourself, eating “weird” food, or eliminating everything you love
Don’t struggle with nagging cravings that sabotage your healthy eating attempts
Will I be hungry on the program?
The point of the program is not to be hungry! There's no limit to how much food you can eat, so you're always able to add a snack or bigger portion sizes. Most participants report feeling less hungry while eating more food than usual!
Frequently Asked uestions
Will I have to spend a lot of time cooking?
You don’t have to spend long hours in the kitchen preparing food, but you do need some basic cooking skills!
Will I really see results in just 21 days?
Absolutely! Once you start eating "Nourish style" you'll begin to feel better right away. Symptoms like gas, bloating and heartburn will disappear (along wtih those sugar cravings!). You'll start sleeping better, improve energy, have more clarity and release weight.
Do I have to be available for live webinars?
No. This is a self-guided program so there are no live recordings to attend. All the program materials and training modules are found inside our program website. You can access the materials each week and listen to the modules whenever it works best for you.
What if I’m traveling during the program?
This is a self-guided program, but I am always available inside my Client-only Facebook group if you have questions!
Can I ask you questions during the program?
I am an Integrative Dietitian, so I do make herb and supplement recommendations that offer healing support and promote everyday wellness. However, supplements are optional.
What foods do I have to give up on the program?
You'll break from added sugars, processed foods, gluten, and dairy and fill up on fruits, veggies, greens, gluten-free grains, nuts, seeds, and lots more delicious clean foods. Some people choose to eat organic meats, chicken and turkey and cold-water fish while others prefer to go meat-free. You will also take a break from coffee and alcohol, but green tea is okay.
Will I have to take supplements?
You get to decide when you'll begin the program so there will be no conflicts in your schedule.
Nourish 21 is THE most practical program for a clean eating reset, and the results you’ll get from these 21 days together will be long lasting; not fleeting.
ourish 21 isn’t about counting every calorie, or starving your body, or fasting, juicing, or eliminating entire food groups altogether.