My 3 Words for 2012 | Food Confidence

Nutrition Strategies

My 3 Words for 2012

As an integrative dietitian and empowerment coach with 20+ years of experience, my main goal is to help women age well, feel confident in their bodies, and create the healthy lifestyle they desire and deserve.
danielle omar

Can three words really make a difference? 

I think they can.  Last December around this time, instead of making a New Year’s resolution, I created three words.  The idea is Chris Brogan’s.  The three words were to summarize my focus and efforts in the coming year, and encompass my personal and professional goals.  I wrote my words on a post-it and stuck them to my computer monitor.  By doing so, I faced them almost everyday.

And now it’s time to reflect.  How did I do?

My three words in  2011 were:  Unite ♦ Invest ♦ Refine

Remember, the words aren’t goals or resolutions, but more like guiding principles in your decision-making and intentions for the year.  With “unite,”  I wanted to connect all my loves — food, family, nutrition, and healthy living, as well as my clients. With “invest,” I wanted to invest in myself and in my business. My “refine” goal was about refining my systems and nutrition messages as well as my daily practices around exercise.

As I look back, I think I did pretty well.  I still have some work to do but the process really helped me to focus throughout the year on specific goals.  The words are a great reminder to link your intention to your actions.

So for 2012, my three words are:  Expand ♦ Collaborate ♦ Create

I plan to pursue practices that “expand” my mind.  I also want to “expand” my focus to help people in different ways. I plan to “collaborate” with other health and wellness professionals who will be able to help my clients in ways that I can’t.  This has been a mission of mine for years and this year I am excited to take it on.  And finally, I plan to “create” new products and services to help more people and to “create” daily practices in my life that keep me focused, inspired, and centered.

So, that’s it.  My plan for 2012 in a nutshell.  Wish me luck.  🙂

And what about you?  Would three words work for you in 2012?   If so, please share with the world your three words…we would love to read them.

And hey, thanks for playing.  🙂

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