My Three Words for 2017 / Food Confidence

Nutrition Strategies

My Three Words: 2017

As an integrative dietitian and empowerment coach with 20+ years of experience, my main goal is to help women age well, feel confident in their bodies, and create the healthy lifestyle they desire and deserve.
danielle omar


My three words for 2017. Try this instead of resolutions this year!

Choose Three Words for Success in 2017

Since 2011 I have practiced something called Three Words. Every January, instead of creating resolutions, I decide on three words. These three words become a theme for my efforts in the year to come. I mostly use the words to guide my business; I say yes to projects, make decisions, and plan my time around my words. I keep the words on my computer or near my desk and they prompt me to make a focused choice.

As the years have gone by, my business life and my home life have morphed into one. This tends to happen when you work for yourself and you work from home.  As a result, my three words have taken on dual meanings to reflect both my personal and my professional life.

The best part of this process is looking back on December 31st and analyzing how my words helped to shape the past year, and whether they influenced my decisions. Before I reveal my three words for 2017, let’s take a look at my 3 words from 2016 and recap how I did.

My three words for 2016 were:  Share ♦ Build ♦ Better

How did I do? Let’s take a look:

I think I lived my words fairly well. I definitely Shared and Built in 2016! I set out to build a little place online that’s about giving and helping and not getting, and I think that’s what I accomplished.  I built a wonderful food confidence community on Facebook and I share much more than I ask. I feel comfortable sharing my work there and the work of my great colleagues, and it’s become a trusted place for my clients and community to share their successes and fears.

With Better, I wanted to focus on what was working and make it better.  Although I did create an entirely new program called Nourish for Life in 2016, my intention was to make what was working with my 21 Day Nourish even better. Nourish for Life is going to be my main focus in 2017. Not only by making it a life-changing program for my current participants, but as a new way of getting healthy for good, for everyone!

So what’s in store for the coming year?

My three words for 2017 are:  Surrender  ♦ Replenish ♦ Abundance

Surrender – Oh this is a BIG one! I am a worrier. And I stress. I also never think I’m doing enough. Well, in 2017 I am going to surrender. Surrender to what life throws my way, surrender to what is, and just be present. I’m going to put down the heavy load of my hopes, dreams, fears, and opinions about how things should be and allow myself to be guided by what’s happening in the moment. I know, it’s a super tall order, but for me, it’s time.

Replenish –  I’m going to make decisions, choose projects, and focus on relationships that replenish me. I will say no to time stealers, meaningless tasks, comparisons, worry, and doubt.  I’m going to set myself up for success by replenishing myself daily with something around self care, doing only work I love, helping others, and being in nature.

Abundance – My focus in 2017 is all about mindset. My mindset focus will be on Abundance. My hope is that this will help me when stress, worry and fear creeps in. An abundance mindset will change how I work with others, make long-term decisions, spend money, approach my business, and tons more. My plan is to use my new 5 Minute Journal to focus daily on appreciation and gratitude. I will watch less TV and consume less media overall, and I will try to see the lessons in the negative as much as possible.

That’s it. As always, wish me luck.

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Food Confidence begins with

You may think you understand what “health” looks like right now — but have you ever considered what health looks like to you? …and not just everyone else in your life, on tv, in magazines, and in the media that you’ve been comparing yourself to? It's time to find out.






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